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README for ChatGPT and How to Write the Best Prompts

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Is there a readme for ChatGPT?

ChatGPT Feb 13 Version

Is there a readme for Chat GPT?

ChatGPT answers that “There is no specific "readme" for prompting” ChatGPT.

How do I prompt Chat GPT best?

ChatGPT itself gives “some general tips that can help you get the best responses” from it:

Be clear and specific:

The more specific you are about your question or topic, the easier it will be for me to provide a relevant and helpful response. Make sure to provide as much detail as possible, including any relevant background information, examples, or context.

Use simple language:

While I have a large vocabulary and can understand complex language, it's usually best to keep your prompts simple and easy to understand. This will help me provide a response that is clear and straightforward.

Avoid ambiguous or vague language:

Try to avoid using ambiguous or vague language in your prompts, as this can make it difficult for me to understand what you're asking. If you're unsure how to phrase your question or topic, feel free to provide additional context or clarification.

Use proper grammar and spelling:

While I can usually understand prompts with some errors in grammar or spelling, it's best to try and use proper grammar and spelling whenever possible. This will help me understand your question more easily and provide a more accurate response.

Overall, the key to prompting me effectively is to be clear, specific, and straightforward. If you follow these guidelines, I'll be able to provide you with the best possible response to your question or topic.

When answering prompts, does it help you to be more specific and precise if I give a set of definitions upfront?

And again

Supplying a set of definitions upfront can be helpful in ensuring that I understand the terms and concepts you are using in your prompt. It can also help me to provide a more accurate and precise response. By having a clear understanding of the definitions, you are using, I can tailor my response to your specific needs and provide a more thorough and detailed answer.

It is not always necessary to provide definitions upfront. If your prompt is clear and concise, I can usually understand the terms and concepts you are using without added definitions. However, if you feel that providing definitions would be helpful, please feel free to include them in your prompt.

Future Research

Let’s see how giving ChatGPT different personas, characters, identities and use cases will influence the quality of its responses. My hypothesis is that the more context and definitions you provide upfront the better of a discussion you will have with it, where better means the quality of actionable output and or insight.

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